Primary Blog/Supercharge Team Productivity With These Three Profiles

If you want a great business you need motivated people.

When you create an environment that sustains high levels of motivation you can become an army of one and blow away any competition.

There’s a common mistake business owners make when it comes to trying to achieve this…

You think everyone thinks like you, they don’t.

If they did you wouldn’t have any employees.

Business owners are very self driven and future motivated. You’re motivated by how good things can be in the future and you’re willing to graft you a$$ off to make that a reality.

You think ‘Why wouldn’t you be excited by working your butt off right now… look how good things are going to be!’

That language works for you but it won’t work for most of the people you employ.

When you understand how people's different motivators work you can adapt your style appropriately to create a win/win.

When you don’t you feel constantly frustrated because you think your team isn't as motivated as you. They are, they just speak a slightly different language.

To help you understand this there’s a fantastic profiling tool called Motivational Maps.
Check out the image below:

As you can see there are three different themes of motivational groups.

Business owners are typically very growth motivated. You are excited by ideas, future and growth.

So as the business owner ideas motivate and energise you. The ideas on themselves are enough to give you a boost and get you moving forward. But for your team, especially those high in the relationship category ideas can have the opposite effect.

In general team members tend to be more in the Achievement and Relationship categories.

Those high in achievement are motivated through  learning and mastering new skills and being recognised for the new things they achieve. They respond very well to recognition through promotion or finances. In simple terms these are people that are highly motivated by results.

Those that sit in the achievement profile won't necessarily be motivated by your ideas but they will be motivated by the forecasted results and outcomes of your ideas. 

Those that sit in the relationships profile are motivated, as the name suggests, by relationships. They are great with people and create a feeling of togetherness in a team or business. They're all about people and therefore like to protect the status quo. The ideas that motivate you can actually drain your relationship people IF they aren't communciated in the right way.

To motivate those in the relationship category you have to spend time with them, explain your ideas to them clearly and how those ideas will benefit them/the team/the customers. Make sure that these people get the recognition they deserve for being good people and think about rewarding them with social events such as team days out etc. 

Most people don't sit exactly in one of the profiles, they'll have a bit of all or a balance across the three but generally you will see people lead with one.

Try to think about what categories your people in and what you need to do to motivate them.

A simple tactic is to focus on appealing to all three! 

When you join the Better Happy Business Club you will go through an owner Power Profile which covers a selection of profiling tools that help you fully understand yourself.

You will also be given the training and systems to power profile all of your team members so you can run them through the same process.

Find out more about membership and getting on to a waitlist using the button below.